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Personal & Heart-Centered
"What you seek, is seeking you!"
My private coaching and mentoring program is a safe container for curious souls that want more out of life than what they've been told they can have.
If you want to create life on your own terms, learn to trust your calling and follow it - unapologetically - this program is for you.
I will help you to step up, connect with the next level you, the one you always knew you had inside you, but were afraid to let out.
You will start owning who you truly are and step into your power and purpose.
I will provide tools that help you let go of those sticky past events that hold you back.
The principles I teach and coach you through will permeate every aspect of life.
I'm not your classic coach that comes with a set plan and framework. I don't believe in a one-size fit all approach. I will speak to your soul, connect with who you truly are and guide you from that place.
We will look into identifying resources that will further your personal and professional development. At the same time we will work on shifting your perspective and help you see that all paradigms are always available and that what you desire is there for a reason.
Follow your soul’s desire!
Align with your core essence!
Embody your calling!
I don't tell you what to do and how to do it, instead I guide you to the highest embodiment of whatever it is you want to to manifest in your life.
You deserve to play at a higher level. You deserve to live the life you want to live.
And always remember: Your growth is up to you!
This is an intense program with up to three 40 minute calls per week and daily unlimited audio & text support. (Mo-Fr).
For more info, costs and payment plans please send a message.
You made it all the way to the end! If you came this far I suspect you sense that this might be the aligned next step for you.
Take a deep breath & tune in - what do you hear? What’s the voice deep inside of you telling you? Do you have fears and doubts come up?
I’m not trying to convince you that this is the right program for you. Only you know! Only you know, if you want to invest time and monetary value to take you to the next plateau, realign with your core essence, follow your dreams & live your purpose.
You know what’s right for you! I trust you!
I like to start and end all of my sessions with a little meditation:
Take a minute to get still. Lay down (or sit up straight), close your eyes and turn your focus inwards.
Imagine a gentle wave of relaxation ebbing and flowing through your body, soothing and comforting you. Enjoy the rhythm of relaxation deep within.
Take a minute to check in see what it would feel like to be supported in your dreams, in your vision for the future. How would it feel to live the life you desire?
See yourself walking through a day in the life of your future self.
What do you see? What do you do? Who are you with?
Where do you life? How do you life?
Stay here as long as you like. When you are ready to come out of meditation take 3 deep inhales and exhales, then open your eyes slowly.
Trust the guidance your’ve received while you were in a meditative state.
Don’t judge yourself if you start feeling fear, doubt or anxiety come up now. It just tells you that your current belief system isn’t supportive of your future vision, it may tell you to stop dreaming about a future on your own terms. Know that this is part of the journey of letting go.
Keep believing in your vision and your heart-desires.
It’s like building a muscle, you have to practice being “your new aligned self” regularly, daily.
Know that you are always supported! Trust your inner guidance.
I’m here and ready to walk beside you, if you feel like you want and need additional support.
Love, Ruby
Ruby opened me up figuratively and literally in a series of one-to-one yoga sessions across about 18 months. During our sessions (and outwith) I felt that she was focused on me and had a real compassion for me. There was so much more to our time together than the 90 minutes of yoga practice. The time that Ruby took before and after our sessions to hear me and advise me led eventually into some 3 months of formal coaching. I would describe that coaching as being formative for the many positive changes that I have achieved during and since that time.
Every question Ruby asked brought me closer to myself. I learned more about myself with every exchange and became more and more aware of myself, my needs and goals. It was (and still is) a daily learning and un-learning process, but it helped me to free myself from all the "shoulds" and empowered me to live the life I want to live. Incredibly deep mind shift!!! Thanks, Ruby!
Ruby's advice and guidance is always spot on. She created a safe container for me to go deep and reach aspects of my being that were hidden and locked away. Her compassionate nature made me feel safe and comfortable to break the lock and open the door.
As a Counselling Practitioner & Life Coach with 20 years of work experience in Communication, Marketing & PR my goal is to support and guide you on your journey to achieve your highest potential and live your life rooted in trust and the knowing that whatever obstacles are presented to you, they are a chance to grow, evolve and enrich your life.
“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” ― Gospel of Thomas
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